
Tag : Security

Foxmarks Insecurities

Another Case Of Shortsighted Politicians

Does this look exploited to you?

WLAN Router Monitor BASH Script

BlowPass Has Taken Over

Linux Encrypted Laptop

Hashes Are Not *$&%@! Magic

Password Generator Alfred Workflow

A New GPG Key

After a decade it's time to create a new GPG key. There's no real excuse not to use a Yubikey anymore either. This will cover the process I took from start to finish, with subkeys, paperkey backups, git signing and SSH with gpg-agent.

A peek inside pinentry

I interact with pinenty daily, but I don't really understand it. This post dives into how it is invoked and can be used outside of GPG for your own projects.

The Authy Backup System

A look at how the Authy authenticator app works, in the pursuit of securely backing up my MFA tokens offline.