
Swiftmailer Transport for Amazon Simple Email Service

Updated (2011-02-03)

On the suggestions of Chris Corbyn I re-wrote my class to use direct access and the Swiftmailer byte stream interface, no cURL anymore. It's way faster, and way cooler, if I do say so myself. You can get the latest at

So, today Amazon debuted Simple Email Service. The gist of it is, send mail with them instead of your own servers. Like a feature reduced SendGrid or Postmark.

Not a lot of stuff out there for it so I thought I'd jump the gun a bit and write a transport for PHP's Swiftmailer. If you have to send e-mail from your sever and from PHP, Swiftmailer is your best friend.

Never dug into Swiftmailer's guts before, but it's pretty well laid out. All you have to do for a new transport is implement the send method of the Transport interface and you are done.

I knocked mine together pretty quick, and the only code I cribbed was the HMAC code from php-aws, because AWS was rejecting the output from hash_hmac. (Which I literally just figured out while I wrote that paragraph. Works now.)

So how hard is it to use? Easy as any other transport in Swiftmailer.

setSubject("What up?")
  ->setFrom(array('[email protected]'))
  ->setTo(array('[email protected]'))

Dude, I'm totally sending you email via AWS.

", 'text/html'); $mailer->send( $message );

So, yeah, it works.

I know there is a ton of stuff I didn't implement that I need to before this could be "production" ready, but it was a very satisfying little project.

You can grab it here: